Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part II]

Free Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part II] by Entangled Page B

Book: Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part II] by Entangled Read Free Book Online
Authors: Entangled
    …with your pearl-white skin, blue eyes and hair the color of flames, surely they would think you a goddess.
    Jane shivered as he stroked her hair over and over, as if to assure himself it was real. Then man took a large hunk of it, wrapping the curling locks around his fist. At first, she thought he meant to cut some of it off—he seemed so amazed by its unusual color. But instead, he lifted it away from her breasts and torso.  
    Now she was completely exposed, and as Jane stood there, her hands on her head, captured by her hair, the others stared at her greedily. Some of them edged forward, prodding Jonathan with them. When she attempted to turn away or raise her thigh to huddle down, the leader twisted her hair up sharply. She gasped and tears of pain sprang to her eyes as he pulled it high and tight. He said something and one of the other men came forward.
    Jane tried to shrink away again, but the hand holding her hair had her immobilized and the spear touching her throat was an even stronger warning. The second man was more curious than the first, for he walked in a circle around her. She felt as if she were horseflesh being considered for sale, his eyes taking in every bit of her bare, trembling body.
    When he touched her, a light finger down her spine, Jane jolted and cried out in shock more than anything. The hand grasping her hair yanked her back upright, bringing more tears to her eyes. Then the finger down her spine returned and slid into the cleft of her arse, gently and lightly tracing it down between her legs. Her quim pulsed in surprise and shock as another finger brushed over her labia.
    She couldn’t look at Jonathan; she couldn’t look anywhere but into space. What were they going to do to her? Would they rape her right here, now? Or would they take her back…somewhere?
    And what about Jonathan? Would they kill him or take him too?  
    Mercifully, the finger was removed after one brief touch. Then the second man, who had more paint on his face than any of the others, came around to the front of her. He stared into her eyes with emotionless brown ones, then his attention traveled down to her lips and breasts and the triangle of fiery hair at her thighs, then to her feet.  
    She braced herself, but instead of touching her again, he merely looked at the man who held her hair and gave a short nod, then spoke rapidly.  
    The next thing Jane knew, she was being prodded toward Jonathan. The man released her hair, but when she would have lunged into her lover’s embrace, two warning spears blocked her.
    “What are they going to do with us?” she asked Jonathan. His tension seemed to have eased, and his arms now hung at his sides.
    He spoke to the natives briefly, and she wondered again whether he knew them or simply knew how to communicate with them. Was he negotiating their release?
    He looked at her, some undefinable emotion shining in his eyes. “Jane. I don’t know how to tell you this, but…they are taking us back to their village. We must go with them.”

— VIII —
    Jane considered herself fortunate that the native men didn’t bind her hands as they traveled. Perhaps they assumed their spears were enough of a threat. Or perhaps she and Jonathan weren’t exactly captives as much as…guests.
    A bitter laugh lodged deep in her throat as she traipsed through the jungle away from the hot springs pool. Guests? Guests were allowed to wear clothing, she assumed. But although one of the men gathered up her things, he didn’t allow her to put them on. Instead, he merely raked over her with an appreciative gaze and gestured with his spear for her to walk.
    The ground was prickly and rough beneath her feet, and it wasn’t long before Jane felt the dampness of blood in her footsteps. Dear God, how long would they make her walk like this? Her feet would be in ribbons, and her skin would soon be sliced and scraped from the sharp edges of ferns and palm leaves.
    Thus she was relieved as well

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