The Troll King (The Bowl of Souls Book 9)

Free The Troll King (The Bowl of Souls Book 9) by Trevor H. Cooley

Book: The Troll King (The Bowl of Souls Book 9) by Trevor H. Cooley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trevor H. Cooley
said. “Someone tell me who the hell this Stranger is.”
    None of our business, repeated Grampa Rolf’s voice. He had disappeared from Gwyrtha’s saddle and now spoke in her mind only. Tarah didn’t know if his voice was coming from Esmine or her own twisted thoughts.
    “I thought he was a crone’s tale,” Djeri replied. “Something dwarf mothers told their children to keep them in line.”
    “Theodore says that he is one of the prophets, like John or the Dark Prophet,” said Willum. The young man looked excited, like he had just learned the answer to a question he’d had for a long time.
     “If he’s a prophet, then how come I’ve never heard of him?” Tarah asked. Though it was true she had been raised in the woods by her papa and grampa, she was well read. Tarah loved books and had purchased and read every book she could find, from adventure stories to histories. She prided herself in her breadth of knowledge.
    “I don’t like him being called a prophet,” Djeri said with a look of disgust. “The Stranger is nothing like John.”
    “Actually,” said Sir Edge. “When I was standing in front of him, I thought he was quite a bit like John. The difference between him and the others is that while the Dark Prophet tries to conquer and the Prophet actively guides his people, the Stranger hides. He sits in the shadows, manipulating the blood magic and demon races from afar, using his magic to control their fertility.”
    “He’s lazy, is what Theodore says,” Willum said. “All he cares about is the balance, making sure that no one group of people becomes too strong. The demon races hate him for it.”
    “Which is why this gnome warlord’s plan is so ingenious,” Edge said. He glanced back at Tarah. “You said that he plans to control the Stranger. How does he hope to accomplish this?”
    “I don’t know,” Tarah replied with a shrug. “I can only see what someone’s thinking at the moment they leave a track and a clear track is hard to find when they’re in the middle of an army. It’s double hard with Aloysius, ‘cause he’s on horseback most of the day. I’ve been tracking him for weeks and all I get are snippets of his thoughts. Most of what I’ve learned comes from the demons and they don’t know much. Mostly they fantasize about torturing the Stranger.”
    The named warrior scratched his head. “I suppose this means we should go and try to rescue him.”
    “I don’t wanna go there,” Cletus pleaded, his lips spread wide in a grimace.
    “The gnome’s right. Rescue the Stranger?” Djeri scoffed. “We should be applauding them. Let them beat the turds out of him for all I care. Maybe he’ll learn a lesson.”
     “I think you two are missing something,” said Willum. “We’re talking about one of the prophets. With that kind of power, he doesn’t need our help.”
    “Yeah! Let’s don’t do it,” Cletus agreed.
    “His powers have been taken away,” said Sir Edge. “The Prophet told him so. He’s vulnerable.” He sighed. “I think we should try. I was taken to the Stranger’s house for a reason. Maybe this is it.”
    None of our business , said Rolf’s voice again and Tarah spoke up. “I think the point is moot by now.”
    “What do you mean?” Jhonate asked.
    “Whatever was going to happen happened last night,” Tarah said. “That was their plan last I heard. I could check again. All I need are some tracks.”
    “So it is over. He has either been captured already or he has escaped,” said Qurl, looking relieved that he didn’t need to get involved. “We should be getting back to Roo-Tan’lan. My father will decide if something needs to be done for this Stranger.”
    “Qurl is correct,” said Jhonate to Sir Edge. “But perhaps we should let the Woodblade woman check some of this army’s tracks first. I wouldn’t mind seeing them myself.”
    “My name is Tarah,”

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