Winter Fire: A Red Hot Winter Story

Free Winter Fire: A Red Hot Winter Story by Jess Dee

Book: Winter Fire: A Red Hot Winter Story by Jess Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jess Dee
wouldn’t,” Garreth contradicted her. “You do want to make love. Both of you. Yet neither of you is willing to breach the barrier Jenna set up.”
    “So you decided to take the bull by the horns, so to speak. Breach the barrier for us.”
    “If the only way to get him into your bed is to get you into my bed, so be it.”
    She opened her mouth to argue, but he placed a finger over her mouth to shush her. “He loves you, sweet thing. The idea that I slept with you is tearing him in two. If you and I did it again, there is no way in hell Jackson could stay away. He’d come after you.”
    She shook her head. “You are one twisted bloke. You think Jackson and I should be together, so you get me into your bed, sleep with me, and then wait for him to follow. And you believe that will work.”
    He puckered his brow in concentration, as though mulling her words over. “Yep. That’s pretty much exactly what I believe.” He smiled at her. “You and Jackson need to get into bed together again. You need to show each other your love.”
    Hysterical laughter bubbled in her chest. “You know, in your own warped way, I think you only mean well. I honestly do. But even if your plan had worked, even if you had gotten me and Jackson into bed with you, you’re still overlooking one factor.”
    “What’s that.”
    Garreth’s expression changed instantly. His face paled, and his eyes filled with grief. “Jack told me what happened to her. To them.”
    He had? Wow. She wondered what Jenna would have to say about that. “Okay, so now you understand the full story, you know that all your good intentions were for nothing. Jackson and I can never be together.” And the bitch of it now was that thanks to Garreth, Rachel was craving Jackson’s body more than ever. Lusting over him. Desperate to get back into bed with him.
    Him and Garreth.
    Garreth’s grin was slow in forming, but once it appeared, his sorrow vanished. He was back with her, in the moment. “I’d hardly say a night of freaking fantastic sex was nothing. Besides, knowing what happened to Jenna and why she insists Jackson can’t date her friends, doesn’t change my thoughts. You may be Jenna’s best friend, but you’re not the stupid kid who fucked up her life, and it’s not fair to assign that responsibility to you. I still think you and Jack belong together.” He leaned in close. “And I still want you in bed, between him and me. I would love to fuck you while Jackson makes love to you.”
    Rachel swallowed. Now that he’d put it out there, she also wanted it. As much as she’d wanted it last night and this morning. Only now the idea aroused her even more, because Jackson was here. He was real. And if Garreth was to be believed, he’d come after them if they slept together again. He’d join them.
    He’d join them. In bed. He’d make love to her at the same time as Garreth.
    Her belly tumbled at the thought. Goosebumps covered her flesh and her breath vanished.
    “You’re thinking about it,” Garreth whispered.
    Shit. How did he know?
    “Your cheeks just flushed. And your eyes have turned the same midnight blue they turn when you’re about to come.”
    Rachel licked her lips. Perspiration spotted her forehead. “You read me too damn easily,” she grouched.
    “You’re aroused. Like me.” Garreth’s voice was hoarse. “All I want right now is to get you back in my room. To strip away your clothes, and your anger, and sink into your depths. I want me and Jackson sinking inside you.”
    Moisture pooled between her legs, teasing her. “It’s not going to happen,” she negated his words, even as her body begged her to live up to them. “It can’t. I won’t do that to Jenna.”
    “This isn’t about Jenna. It’s about you and me and Jackson.”
    “Don’t make it about me and Jackson. We can never be.”
    “You can, if you make love to me. He’ll come after you.”
    “No.” She shook her head fiercely. “I can’t do

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