The Visitors

Free The Visitors by Katy Newton Naas

Book: The Visitors by Katy Newton Naas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katy Newton Naas
explain what you mean. You’ve lost me.”
    â€œJady, please just be honest. I can tell that you’re not using it on everyone here, but I want to know why you’ve chosen me.”
    I sat down on a rock as my head spun. While I tried to decide how to respond to this strange conversation, I stared up at him, unsure of where to even begin.
    Before I could piece together an answer of any kind, he took a step back. “I see so much confusion radiating off of you. You really do not know what I am talking about, do you?”
    â€œI wish I did,” I told him honestly, wondering what he meant by that comment about my confusion. “Please help me understand.”
    He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as he came over to sit beside me on the rock. He looked at his feet while he spoke. “You have this…this pull over me. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt, and I struggle to find the right words to describe it. I feel so drawn to you, physically and mentally. It doesn’t make any sense; it has to be something you’ve done to me.”
    I laughed incredulously. It wasn’t funny, but I really didn’t know what else to do. “Let me get this straight. You feel ‘drawn’ to me, so that has to be some kind of…magic spell or something? You think I’m some sort of witch or something?”
    His face twisted up in confusion. “Spells and witches…now you’ve lost me.”
    I frowned. “Forget I said that. It’s…on Earth, we have made-up creations and stories. They’re just for fun. Some people believe in them, but most people don’t. It’s just folklore. Anyway, I’m rambling. Pretend I didn’t say that.”
    â€œThis is no made-up creation or fun story,” he said earnestly. “The pull I feel toward you is real, and almost irresistible.”
    As I stared into his eyes, I saw how serious he was. Maybe this bizarre connection I felt with him was not all one-sided. The description of what he felt for me echoed the strange emotions that I had been fighting since we arrived. “I think I know what you’re talking about,” I blurted out. “I feel it toward you, too.” With that, I sighed and looked down at my hands. The truth was out now.
    He shook his head. “What do you mean?”
    As I looked back up at him, the butterflies from earlier raced through my stomach. I knew everything about the situation was wrong. We were from two different worlds. My head was screaming at me to get away from him – to go back to my room and hide in my bed and never talk to Noah again. But once again, my instincts took over and hushed the thoughts in my head. Automatically, I moved closer to him. “I need to see something,” I mumbled as I moved toward him. He watched me with a confused expression as I continued closer. When our faces were mere centimeters apart, I paused briefly, and then I took the plunge. Softly, I pressed my lips to his as the butterflies leapt throughout my stomach and up into my throat.

Chapter Seven: Noah
    I jerked away from Jady as fast as I possibly could. “What was that?” I asked, putting my fingers to my lips as I stood up and took several steps back. “What did you just do to me?”
    She stared at me as waves of humiliation came pouring out of her intensely. “I’m sorry. I misread the situation. I wanted to kiss you, but you obviously didn’t…I thought that…I didn’t know you would….I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.” Her voice was meek and shaky as she stumbled over her thoughts.
    I felt horrible that I had embarrassed her somehow, but I didn’t care. Anger and confusion clouded my mind, and I wanted answers. “Jady, you have to tell me what’s going on. You’re telling me that you’re not doing anything to make me feel these strange feelings for you, but

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