
Free AlphavsAlpha by Francesca Hawley

Book: AlphavsAlpha by Francesca Hawley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Francesca Hawley
tortured them both with a slow, smooth glide.
With his other hand, he palmed her round breast, using his fingers to pluck and
pinch her tight nipple.
    “Yes…” she breathed. She set her hands on his shoulders for
balance to increase her speed.
    “That’s it, honey.”
    He tugged her nipple. She threw back her head and gasped.
Damn it. He was doing it again. Even though she was on top, he was still
controlling her. Playing her body like an expert. She paused as she reached the
top of his cock, rising a bit higher she reached down to grasp his shaft. Then
she lowered herself onto him. Just as she placed him at her entrance and he
thrust his hips to get inside, she lifted off him. No…this was going to be her
game. Serena in control.
    She lowered again, easing the tip of his cock into her cunt
before pausing to rise above him once more. Down—engulfing just the head—then
up again. She tempted him with her hot wetness before stealing it away…over and
over she played him, smiling as his hips lifted to give chase, but each time
she escaped. He gave her a warning growl and her eyes rose from where their
bodies touched in order to meet Damien’s commanding gaze. She almost dropped
her eyes submissively, but held on at the last instant. Staring him down while
she continued her determined torment. In…out… Then she used the top of his cock
to pleasure her clit, rolling her hips to rub her clit against the head of his
cock, moistening him with her juices.
    “Just fuck me,” he growled.
    “Not yet.”
    She leaned forward to kiss his neck…his shoulder…his chest.
Then she tongued his nipple. With a cry, he arched off the bed and thrust deep
into her. He pulled her tight against him and rolled her to her back.
    “My game now, love,” he murmured in her ear.
    Serena stared up at him, shivers coursing through her body.
She’d never had a male take control this way. She thought she’d hate it, but it
was a total turn-on. She was wetter now than she’d been when she’d been on top.
But she wasn’t going to let him have his way entirely. She might be on the
bottom, but she could still exert some control of the situation.
    Serena wrapped her legs around his waist, getting a good
grip on him, before grasping his torso with her arms. Her fingers dug into the
muscles of his back and buttocks.
    “Your game?” She nipped his neck. “Are you sure?”
    His scent perfumed the air around her and she breathed deep
so she could memorize it while she rubbed her breasts against his chest.
    “My game. And yes, I’m damn sure.”
    He withdrew halfway. She expected him to surge back inside.
Expected it. Yearned for it. Opened for it. But he just hung there. Half
in…half out. When she tried to raise her hips, he held them on the bed. Then he
withdrew completely, slipping his slick cock along the folds of her sex,
trailing his length up and down her slit. The steady stroke along her trembling
clit had her gasping for breath in no time. Soft little moans escaping her
    “That’s it, Serena. Come again.”
    She fought to get him inside her with no luck. Instead, he
continued to tease. Driving along her—every stroke taking her higher as he used
his body to excite her. He groaned and strained, but he had iron control. She
moaned when he lowered his head to her breasts, suckling a nipple into his
mouth. The suction went straight to her clit…her cunt…and she sobbed. Her cunt
ached with emptiness. Yearned to be full of him, but she wouldn’t beg. Not
again. He’d gotten her to beg once but she wasn’t going to give him that
satisfaction again.
    He lifted his head, frowning at her. “I want the pleasure to
be ours. To share it.”
    She shook her head. He wanted to own her. To turn her into
mindless mush in his arms and unfortunately, he was succeeding. She clenched
her fingers into his muscles, her legs tightening around him of their own
    “Fuck me, Damien. No more teasing. Just take me.”
    He looked as if he

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