Keeping Blossom
don’t think I can withstand this. I want him. He lifts me up onto the counter, parting my thighs and presses his hard, large erection right where I need it.
    I moan as the tip of his cock peeks out of his sweatpants. Lifting my hips, I try to relieve the ache he’s created. He grabs the hem of my shirt, lifting it off me and moves his lips straight to my hard nipple, sucking it into his mouth with a bite, sending pleasure to my clit.
    “Ah, Devin,” I sigh, coming hard against his cock head. Just a little further and we would’ve gone all the way. I should be afraid and running, but instead, all I can think about is how much he wants me. Fuck going back to Ohio.
    “Fuck, Blossom. You messed up now,” I growl in her ear before taking a nip at the lobe. My dick is so ready to come. Hearing her cry out my name almost unmans me, but I grit my teeth and keep him from letting loose. Resting my head on her chest, I take a deep calming breath.
    “Why?” she asks nervously.              
    I look up at her with a wicked grin. “Because I was going to give you some time. Now…I’ve no control left.”
    I step back holding a finger up, and I run to grab my phone. Returning to my spot in between her legs, I make my call to the office. “I’m going to work from home today.” Thank God they pushed the trial date to Monday. I had no idea my Blossom was going to open up for me like she just did. I listen as my secretary goes on about prepping for the trial, my mouth on Blossom’s neck the whole time.
    “Um…Rosalie…I’ve got to go.” Ending the call, I continue perusing her lovely neck and move my hands all over her body. My Blossom is moaning in my ear and tugging on my hair, driving me fucking nuts. I can feel every inch of her coursing through my bones. She squeezes her thighs against my hips. It’s too much for me; I need her now. I grip her calves and wrap them around my waist. Taking her mouth with mine, I grind into her. Her heels dig into my waistband, sliding my joggers off my ass. Moving my hand in between us I lift my cock out of my pants. Groaning, I pull my lips from hers and quickly snatch off her shorts taking her panties with them. As much as I want to take my time worshipping her sweet body, I don’t want her to change her mind. She lets out a gasp in shock but, thankfully, doesn’t stop me. Pulling her forward, I part her thighs to get a look at my flower. Her beautiful pussy is bare. I don’t picture her as the type of girl who waxes her snatch, so I know it has to do with the strip club. This is the last time I plan to see her pussy bare like this. She’s perfect either way, and I can see the beads of desire on her lips, but I know it’s not bare just for me. I line up my cock with her entrance, growling. “Blossom, you’re mine now. Do you like your pussy like this?”
    “Like what?”
    “Bare as a baby’s ass.” She looks at me nervously and tries to get out of my grasp, but my dick is sitting at her entrance and I’ve got a hold on her plump, round ass that makes me want to flip her over. “Don’t be embarrassed. I’m just asking.”
    “Not really. It was the club’s beautician that did this.”
    “Good, because even though I like that I can see the dew on your petals, I only want it for me. This was for someone else. If you want your pussy bare, it better be to make me happy, not any other man.” She sighs and squeezes her eyes closed. I look down and my girl is creaming at my words. Fuck, she’s going to get rutted hard if she keeps being too damn hot for her own good.
    “Only for you,” she agrees in a whisper, closing her eyes as I thrust hard into her. The moment I rip through the barrier, my mind explodes in ten different directions. The main one being…I’m her only one. The second is the pain written on her angelic face.
    “Mine,” I whisper on her lips before kissing her. A tear drips down onto my thumb as I hold her face in my hands. “I’m

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