There's Something About a Rebel-

Free There's Something About a Rebel- by Anne Oliver

Book: There's Something About a Rebel- by Anne Oliver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Oliver
in mind?’ He’d waited for a response but she hadn’t had a ready one. Not one of any sort.
    Returning to Surfers and facing Jared with her failures was not an option after the regrettably immature way she’d walked out eighteen months ago. And in an hour she’d be signing papers and making Blake her business partner. She had to remain in Mooloolaba. Rental accommodation was high in Mooloolaba.
    Sharing with a guy was something she’d sworn she’d never do again. Living with Todd had been the most harrowing time of her life. Not only the physical abuse but the lies and degradation. Made worse because she’d kept it a secret from those who would have helped her. She’d been so naïve, so ashamed, and, for a while, so broken.
    ‘What are you afraid of, Lissa?’
    She’d stared up at Blake and into those beautiful blue eyes. Blake wasn’t Todd—was nothinglike Todd—but she no longer trusted herself when it came to choosing the right kind of man.
    ‘Nothing. Why would I be afraid? I’m certainly not afraid of you,’ she’d told him when he’d scrutinised her face more closely. As if he knew her secret.
He couldn’t know.
‘Thank you. I accept.’
    She’d arranged to meet Blake in the living room before leaving for their rescheduled appointment with the solicitor. In her jeans and faded T-shirt. She groaned inwardly. The T-shirt with the two faintly creased circles on her chest. Now there’d have to be an additional clause with the expenses incurred to replace her belongings.
    She descended the stairs at the arranged time. Blake had changed into smart casual clothes and her thoughts scattered like confetti. The white button-through shirt, open at the neck, enhanced his tanned skin and accentuated his broad shoulders and muscular frame, the trousers were slim-fitting, showcasing well-defined thighs and.
    She swung her gaze to the wood-panelled wall, embarrassed at being caught checking out his masculine shape, and said the first thing that came to mind. ‘Definitely the deeper turquoise. And a modern painting here that encapsulates the essence of Mooloolaba.’
    ‘You’re the expert.’
    His eyes glinted and she knew that he knewwhat she was really thinking about. His hot, toned body against hers.
    ‘Let’s get the documentation over with first,’ he said. ‘Then we’ll pay a visit to the bank and then you can go shopping.’
    What could she say? She needed clothes. ‘I’m. I’ll pay you back. Every cent. You can take it off my fee when the room’s done.’
    ‘Don’t worry about that now. But I’ve got some matters to attend to back here so I’ll arrange to meet you at this address later.’ He handed her a card and a key. ‘It’s a building I own. It was used as a prestige car showroom but it’s been vacant a while. I was going to sell it, but it might be a good location for an interior design business. Maybe you could take a look, come up with some ideas and tell me what you think. Don’t forget to key in the security code. Panel’s on the right of the door.’
    Her spirits lifted a little. ‘Thanks.’ She tucked the card in her bag.
    ‘What about Jared?’ He paused. ‘I assume you’re in contact while he’s overseas. Shouldn’t you let him know what’s going on?’
    Yes, but she had more than enough stress to deal with right now. Besides … ‘I don’t want to spoil his holiday.’
    ‘He’s your brother.’
    She didn’t look at him as she slung her bag over her shoulder but she felt a vague criticism aimed her way and shrugged off the prickly sensation.What was between her and her brother was none of Blake’s business.
    ‘I’ll get around to it, okay?’ Tonight. It would be morning in Milan then. She’d make herself comfortable and alone and phone him tonight. Maybe in a few hours she wouldn’t be so likely to dissolve into tears in the retelling of it.
    ‘What do you want to do about your belongings?’ He sounded as if he was finding his way barefoot around

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