temptation in florence 04 - expected in death

Free temptation in florence 04 - expected in death by Beate Boeker

Book: temptation in florence 04 - expected in death by Beate Boeker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beate Boeker
being the way she is.” She slanted Uncle Teo a glance. “And you know, she ignores Mama completely. Refuses to talk to her.”
    Uncle Teo snorted. “That's a very old story. It's high time they got over it. Silly.”
    “I agree, but you won't get them to see that point of view. She made Benedetta and Leo incredibly uneasy by insinuating that Leo disinfected her whole apartment because he couldn't stand to live with her 'germs'. She fanned Lucio's jealousy until he looked ready to kill her and Emma too, then she said Annalisa was too stupid to live and--”
    Olga's voice interrupted her from the door. “How very clever of you to slip into your great-uncle's apartment the second I turn my back.” She sounded sweet and completely in control but a pulse beat on her neck.
    Carlina flinched and closed her eyes for a second. Damn. If only Olga had returned half an hour later. She got up in slow motion, turned to face Olga, and pulled back her shoulders. “I would appreciate if you could give me a little privacy with Uncle Teo.”
    Olga's mouth stretched into one thin line. “Why should I do that? So you can invent lies about me and tell them to him with all the time in the world?”
    Carlina clenched one fist. “I'm not inventing any lies at all. I'm telling Uncle Teo exactly what you said to the family in the last few days.”
    Olga laughed. “No doubt. Obviously, you expect me to believe that you're painting a very fair picture, aren't you? I'm not the fool you think me to be.”
    Carlina's mouth turned dry. “Why do you hate us so much?”
    One eyebrow of Olga went up. “Who said I hate you?”
    “You did. Indirectly. With every word and look and action.”
    Olga snorted. “Phew. You're quite eloquent. However, I'm only reacting to you. You hate me; you don't want me here. You begrudge your Uncle Teo a little happiness.”
    Carlina felt heat rising into her face. “No, we don't! He can have as many girlfriends as he wants, but the thing we won't accept is that he's being alienated from us all in the process. Because that's what you're doing!”
    “Nonsense. I'm being perfectly fair and open, but you're totally set against me.”
    “That's not true! In fact--”
    “In fact,” Olga interrupted her with a malicious little smile, “you would be delighted if I moved in tomorrow?”
    Carlina couldn't hide the sudden dismay that overwhelmed her. “You're planning to move in?”
    “Yes, I am.” Olga smiled, and for a moment, she looked like an innocent porcelain doll again. “Oh, not into Teo's apartment, that wouldn't feel right. But he offered the apartment next door now that Leo has moved in with Benedetta, and I'm happy to accept. After all, he gives special rates to family and friends, doesn't he?”
    Carlina gulped and looked at Uncle Teo who had gotten up from the sofa, polite as he was, and was watching the verbal match without trying to squeeze in a word. “Is that true, Uncle Teo? Did you offer Olga the apartment?”
    He inclined his head. “I did.”
    A warning bell rang inside Carlina's head. She was sure that Uncle Teo did not report the house's earnings correctly. Where would it lead? Would they all be thrown out? Sudden fear clenched her stomach. They had been in danger of losing the house before, and it had led to murder. “I advise you to think twice before moving in.” She made sure she looked Olga squarely in the eye. “You're playing with fire.”
    Olga tittered. “Oh, my. Is that a threat?”
    Carlina's temper took over. “Possibly.”
    “Well, in that case it's a good thing that you're soon going to move out.” Olga smoothed the sleeve of her thin, light-blue sweater as if it were the most important thing in the world. “I have to say that it's quite providential because we're looking for a new place for Ugo to stay, and I've been wanting to ask Teo if Ugo could move into your apartment.” She turned to Uncle Teo. “What do you say, darling? You see, Ugo has to get out of his

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