Blood Bond

Free Blood Bond by Michael Green

Book: Blood Bond by Michael Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Green
she did not answer the question. ‘I know how Mathew made you happy,’ she said softly. She reached over and felt his penis; it was hard. ‘Now go and wait for me.’
    Damian rose from the bed, collected one of the candles and walked to the dressing room door. She watched as he lifted the corner of a painting and fumbled behind it. So that was where he hid the key.
    â€˜I won’t be long,’ she said as he unlocked the door.
    â€˜Don’t be,’ he commanded as he disappeared through the doorway.
    Cheryl felt sick. So everything she had been told about Damian and his perversions was true. He had preyed on her younger brother, Mathew, making him his sex slave until Mathew could stand it no longer and had tried to escape. Then the Chatfields had hunted him down and beheaded him in front of the whole community. Cheryl was determined to take her revenge.
    She hurried to her bag, took out a damp cloth and removed her make-up before combing back her hair, wrapping bandages around her chest and putting on the clothes she had brought with her.
    â€˜Hurry up!’ Damian called impatiently.
    He was sprawled on a pink velvet chaise longue as she entered the room. In the candlelight she saw the shock on his face and then watched as the look was replaced by one of pleasure and excitement.
    With her hair parted, her breasts bound tightly and wearing Mathew’s clothes, she was the spitting image of her dead brother.
    In the eerie light the nude men and boys on the posters taped to the walls seemed to come alive, watching as she slowly unbuckled her trousers. So this was where he’d brought the drugged Mathew, where he’d tied him up and raped him. She had to push away that knowledge, to steel herself, to fight every urge that made her want to run away. She let the trousers slip down and, with her back to Damian, walked over to the strangely constructed apparatus in the centre of the room. She pulled the shirt up above her buttocks, bent over and grasped the handles.
    When it was all over she heard him moan again, in a mixture of pleasure and relief. He lay draped over her back, stroking her neck, running his fingers through her hair. She knew it wasn’t her hair thathe imagined he was caressing.
    â€˜Go,’ he said.
    She sensed that he wanted her to leave before the spell was broken. But it was time for reality to return. As he returned to the chaise longue she turned, unbuttoned the shirt, took it off and removed the bandages, revealing her breasts. She stood before him again as a woman.
    â€˜Get out!’ he yelled.
    â€˜Tomorrow I will come again. Wait for me in here. I shall come as Mathew and I shall leave as Mathew. If you are a good boy, you will never see me as a woman again in this room.’
    He was unsettled. ‘Why are you saying this?’
    â€˜I’m your special little boy, Damian,’ she said softly.
    â€˜Why are you doing this?’
    â€˜Because if you ever’, she began, her voice hard as steel, ‘touch Ruben or Harry, or any of the other children in Haver, His Lordship will know your dirty little secret.’
    She was not surprised when he suddenly fled from the room or when he burst back in, waving his pistol. She had already picked up Mathew’s clothes from the floor.
    â€˜Don’t shoot me, Damian,’ she said softly. ‘Do you think I came here tonight, having made all these preparations, without thinking everything through?’ Unnerved, he lowered the pistol. ‘If you harm me, or my children, or any of the other children at Haver, I promise you, the letter I have already written will be delivered to your father.’
    â€˜You bitch.’
    â€˜No, Damian, I’m not a bitch,’ she said as she walked past him into the bedroom. ‘I’m your special little boy. And tomorrow night your special little boy will return, and you’ll make love to him and stroke his hair and be happy. Wait for him in

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