Saxon Bane

Free Saxon Bane by Griff Hosker

Book: Saxon Bane by Griff Hosker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Griff Hosker
of him.  We heard that King Raedwald was laid low by a fever and did not supply any men to help the husband of his daughter.”
    “And we heard that he finally conquered Elmet.”
    Pol’s news was not a surprise but it was a reminder of what we had had.  My brother Raibeart had been married to the daughter of the last king.  They had been driven out and had joined me in Gwynedd but I knew that some of the people lived there still. It made my alliance with Fiachnae mac Báetáin even more vital. We had a chance to halt the Saxons and I would not let Aethelfrith’s sons get in the way. 
    It was rolling country through which we rode.  There appeared to be few villages.  The people dotted the landscape in their farms.  The only cattle we saw were grazed close to the hill forts and I had witnessed how they were all brought in each night. Cattle theft was a way of life here. As we rode south I wondered how to use that to our advantage.
    The Lough which marked the southern boundary of the land of the Dál nAraidi was a huge piece of water.  It was even bigger than Wide Water in Rheged. You could have sailed warships on it. We skirted the water on its western side.  The meeting place due south and I had no doubt that Oswald and Oswiu would have people watching ahead of the ransom delivery.
    It was late afternoon when Aedh and his scouts galloped up. “I have found it.  I left two of my men watching it.”
    He lithely leapt from his horse. He still looked like the young boy who had grown up close to my first fortress home in Rheged even though there was just him and Tuanthal left from those who had left Rheged with me all those years ago. He took out his sword and found a smooth piece of earth.  He sketched as he spoke.
    “The fort is fifteen miles or so away.  A couple of hours riding at most.  It is easy country.” He grinned, “After Wyddfa anything is easy.” He put a cross in the soil. “The fort is here and we are here.”
    “Did you see their cattle?”
    He looked at me curiously and said, “Yes, here.” He put a circle halfway between us and the fort.
    “So we have to pass the cattle to get to the fort?”
    “Aye.  They are easy to avoid for they only have six or seven boys herding them and a couple of pony riders.”
    My plan was already formulating in my mind. “Now, tell me, have you seen Morcar?”
    “Yes.  He has two guards.  He actually came out of the front gate with them, walked around the fort and then went back inside.”
    Myrddyn suddenly spoke, “Why do you think that was?  Did he pass water or anything like that?”
    “No, he just walked with his two guards.  It was as though it was a stroll.”
    Myrddyn never asked irrelevant questions.  I tried to read his mind as he read mine. “What is on your mind?”
    “He is bait.  Those brothers are clever and they want you to see him.  They will expect us to take him whilst he is walking around.”
    “We will get closer and investigate this.  We still have a couple of days before they move him.”
    As we rode Pol and Lann Aelle rode next to me.  “You have a plan, Warlord?”
    I nodded, “It is still forming but I think it might work.” I was acutely aware that Myrddyn was listening and I knew that he would comment if I said something of which he did not approve.
    “The cattle are the key.  We use Aedh and some of his scouts to get rid of the pony guards and drive the cattle south west. The boys will return to the fort and this king will not want to lose his property.  I am guessing that he will take most of his men and follow Aedh. While they are away we slip in and rescue Morcar.”
    “Do not forget Warlord that there will still be plenty of Saxons within the hill fort and we would have to assault it.”
    “There is no wall, just ditches and mounds.  They can make it difficult for us but not impossible.  When we are close I will have a better idea of how to rescue my brother’s son.”
    Aedh took us by a circuitous

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