Alexis Gets Frosted

Free Alexis Gets Frosted by Coco Simon

Book: Alexis Gets Frosted by Coco Simon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Coco Simon
    I took a deep breath and screwed up my courage. “Hey, maybe when it’s done, you can help me carry it to school on the presentation day? I think it’s going to be a little heavy.”
    â€œSure, just let me know when,” he said, really easily, just like that.
    Yessss! I thought. Eat your heart out, Olivia Allen! But all I said was, “Okay, thanks! See you later!”
    After Matt left, I walked slowly to homeroom, happily daydreaming about when he and I get married and how we’d run a big successful corporation of our own and have a couple of children who are really smart and really good dancers . . .
    After homeroom I heard someone behind me say, “I hope you got your fill at the baking store this weekend. I thought that place was just for old grandmas.”
    I didn’t even need to turn around to see who it was. Quack! I reminded myself. Quack! Quack! But it wasn’t working. I pretended I didn’t hear her, but inside I was panicking.
    Olivia continued, “Hey! I heard there’s a new math store opening up. They’re selling all the types of things that you love, like calculators and rulers and—”
    â€œQuack!” I blurted, turning around to face her.
    She froze.
    â€œQuack! Quack! Quackquackquack!!!” I yelled.
    I knew I had just sealed my fate as a nerd for life, but I was so angry, I had totally lost control. The small, careful part of my brain that was still working knew that quacking was better than yelling bad words at Olivia in the middle of school, but even if it kept me out of trouble, it would mean certain social death.
    People around us were staring, and I knew it must’ve made a strange picture, her cringing and me towering over her, quacking loudly and red faced. I was shaking, though, and I didn’t care right now what anyone else thought. I was just trying hard not to smack her.
    Finally, she snapped to and said, “What- ever , weirdo!” and walked on, her head held high.
    I stayed put, to give myself time to calm down and to let her get a head start away from me. A couple of kids were giving me odd looks, and I was embarrassed. I took a deep breath and then went to the girls’ bathroom, where I took some sips of cold water and splashed my face. I was exhausted after my outburst, and wished I could just go to the nurse and ask to go home. Instead, because I am not a quitter, I trudged off to math, where I knew my enemy awaited me.
    In class, Olivia and I avoided eye contact, and when the bell rang, she slipped out of her seat, racing for the door while I held back. At least she wasn’t trying to continue the fight. I wouldn’t have had the strength to face her again. I made my way to gym and the safety of my friends.
    Of course, by the time I’d reached them, they’d already heard about the incident from other people. I was mortified the story had spread so quickly. I put my head in my hands and rocked it from side to side.
    â€œAlexis! Stop doing that! Right now!” Mia commanded in a serious voice as she quickly scanned the gym.
    I lifted my head. “What? Why?”
    â€œBecause you’re a hero, but you’re acting like aloser!” she said, looking sharply back at me.
    â€œWhat?” I was confused. I was a nerd, and I knew it.
    Mia sighed in exasperation. “Kids are talking about how you stood up to Olivia Allen in the hall and won. If you act like you lost, the story will start to change. Get it?”
    â€œSort of,” I said.
    â€œJust act proud,” said Emma.
    â€œReally?” This was weird, because I did not feel proud at all.
    â€œYes.” Emma nodded. “Trust us.”

    Our gym teacher, Mrs. Chen, kept us too busy to talk during class so I couldn’t tell them what happened in detail. Finally at lunch we all got to sit down and talk.
    â€œNow, what happened?” Katie asked, and I told them the whole story, including how

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