Something Bad

Free Something Bad by RICHARD SATTERLIE

Book: Something Bad by RICHARD SATTERLIE Read Free Book Online
to stop saying I’m dumb?”
    Gabe’s smile widened.
    John looked down at the bed. “Jesus Christ.”
    “I’m not kidding, John.”
    “Okay. I won’t say you’re dumb anymore. Now tell me what Press said.”
    Billy smiled. “Okay, but it don’t make any sense. He just kept saying, ‘Jayne.
    J … A … Y … N … E.’ He said it three times. Just like that. What does Jayne mean?”
    John huffed and turned toward the door as Gabe worked hard to suppress a loud laugh.
    Mac and Billy looked at Gabe.
    “Your middle name is Jayne?” Gabe said in John’s direction, still struggling with a giggle.
    John turned around and nearly bumped into the door. “Screw you. It’s a family name, okay?” He turned and stomped into the hall.
    Billy put a hand to his mouth and squeezed a laugh up through his nose. Mac’s hands kept time with his silent giggles.
    Gabe looked down at Press and rubbed his hand. “Thanks, Press. You got him good that time.”
    Press’ eyes opened wide and the corners of his mouth seemed to turn upward, at least as much as the tubes would allow. He took a large inward breath but nothing came back out. His eyes gradually defocused and half-closed.
    Gabe lifted Press’ hand and felt his wrist. “Billy. Get a nurse. Fast.”


    D EENA L EE WALKED behind the half-wall of the Herndon’s Edge and turned a profile to Teddy. “What do you think? Am I losing my girly figure?”
    Teddy put his hands on his hips and exaggerated an up-and-down scan. “Definitely have a critter in there. You’re not trying to hide it, are you?”
    “Couldn’t if I wanted to. I’m having to let out all my dresses, and I’m not good at it.” She pulled her apron up past her waist. “Made a mess of this one.”
    Teddy laughed. “Ain’t no fashion show in here. As long as the mugs are topped off, no one’ll notice. I could serve tables with no pants under my apron and most around here wouldn’t even look twice. Besides, you have the noble excuse.”
    The bell over the door rang and a strong gust of wind sent the door crashing into a coat rack, nearly tipping it over. Teddy and Deena Lee peeked over the half wall and watched Thibideaux push the door closed and amble to the counter.
    Deena Lee rolled her eyes and walked in his direction.
    “Good morning, Ms. Murtry,” Thibideaux said. “You’re looking radiant today. I trust you’re through the worst of the morning sickness?”
    Deena Lee froze, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly open. Most words he’s said in a string since he moved here, she thought. She picked up a distinct bayou drawl in the formality of his deliberate words. All she could manage to utter in return was a throaty, “Comes and goes these days.”
    Thibideaux put his forearms on the counter and leaned forward. His expression didn’t change. “I hope you’re remembering to take your prenatal vitamins. You want your child to have the best start possible, you know.”
    Deena Lee approached the counter and faked a smile. “Doc gave me a bunch of samples, but they’re gone. They’re so expensive I’m only taking them every other day.” She put a mug on the counter and filled it just short of the brim. “You like it black, right?”
    “Yes ma’am. Thank you for taking notice.”
    She slid a menu beside the cup and forced an increase in her smile.
    Thibideaux pointed to the chalkboard over the coffeemaker. “I believe I’ll give Teddy’s special a try today.”
    She reached to pick up the menu. “Good choice. It’ll be up in a minute.” She hustled behind the half-wall and shouldered up to Teddy.
    “What’s with the twerp today?” she said. “All of a sudden he’s talking like we’re best friends or something. Gives me the creeps.”
    Teddy scraped the grill with the spatula blade. “Don’t you dare turn him away. You notice how many people come for lunch now?”
    Deena Lee elbowed Teddy in the side. “Who do you think serves them all?”
    Teddy pointed

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