Rocked with Passion (A New Adult Rockstar Novel)

Free Rocked with Passion (A New Adult Rockstar Novel) by Lila Lacroix

Book: Rocked with Passion (A New Adult Rockstar Novel) by Lila Lacroix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lila Lacroix
really want to talk about it. And I didn’t. It was the last thing I wanted to talk about, even though it was the only thing running through my mind.
    I couldn’ t stop thinking about Jonathan, now that I knew I was going to go back to him. It was funny, I was actually now regretting the fact that I had been with Kevin at all. If I hadn’t been with him, who knows what might have happened between Jonathan and myself? We might have gone all the way that night. We might have done it a long time earlier. I mean, I wasn’t going to kid myself and pretend we were going to be in a relationship, because obviously there was no way Jonathan would want that, but a night of fun with him here and there might have been nice. I hopefully would have been able to hide the fact that I loved him. But either way, it was all pointless. None of that had happened. I’d stayed with Kevin when I moved to LA, and I’d done my absolute best to ignore my feelings, to be professional, so that I wouldn’t betray my boyfriend, and I ended up being the one betrayed.
    There were so many emotions tumbling around in my brain. Anger at Kevin, for what he did to me. Regret at the fact that I’d wasted so much of my life, so many of my emotions, on a man who was cheating on me. Worry about what the future was going to bring. Hope, that maybe the future would be better. Sadness over the dissolution of what I had thought was a healthy relationship.
    It just hurt so much, and as good a friend as Sally was, I knew she didn’t know what I was experiencing. She’d never been cheated on before, and she definitely hadn’t found out about it in the way I had. No, this was my pain to deal with. I was going to have to worry about all this by myself.
    A little while later we were at the airport. I bought a ticket on the evening flight to LA, which would get me in late at night.
    “Thanks for taking care of me today” I told Sally as we hugged outside of the security gates.
    “No problem. Hey, if you ever need to talk to anyone, get anything off your chest, you’ve got my number. Call me whenever, I don’t care if it’s the middle of the night. I’m here for you.”
    “You’re the best, Sally. You’re the best friend anyone could ever ask for.”
    “Thanks, you take care of yourself Sara. Don’t worry about things so much, just take everything one day at a time.”
    “Definitely. I’ll  see about coming back at Christmas, I’ll see you then if you don’t come and visit us in LA before then.”
    “Sure thing, have a safe trip.”
    And with that, I went through security and found myself alone at the gate, waiting for my flight.

Chapter Nine
    An hour later I was flying back to LA, less than a day after I’d originally flown out of the city. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. It had been such a crazy day, and I couldn’t guarantee that things weren’t going to get crazier before they went back to normal. I wondered what was going to happen when Jonathan and I met again tomorrow. I turned my face towards the window to cry, tears silently dripping down my face for a few hours while I thought about what happened.
    I’d never felt so betrayed in my life. I hadn’t really had a huge chance to really absorb what had happened yet. It still felt so strange, so disconnected, almost as if it had happened to someone else. But it hadn’t happened to someone else. It had happened to me. Kevin cheated on me. Kevin had been cheating on me for ages, since long before I went to LA. The sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach wouldn’t go away. It felt just like I did when I was fifteen and Jonathan broke my heart. That’s exactly what it felt like. For the second time in my life, a man had completely ripped my heart out, and I didn’t know how to react.
    This time, there was no escape from my feelings. I didn’t have Sally to spill my heart to. There was a stranger sitting next to me, enthralled in his book, and I wasn’t about to pour my heart

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