The Beginning After The End (Early Years Book 1)

Free The Beginning After The End (Early Years Book 1) by TurtleMe

Book: The Beginning After The End (Early Years Book 1) by TurtleMe Read Free Book Online
Authors: TurtleMe
gap easily while willing the mana to strengthen my body.


    The voice failed to warn me that I
was going to be doing a vertical fall.  I guess that’s why she mentioned
using mana to me.

    Rubbing my butt, I groaned as I
slowly supported myself up.

    “We finally meet child.”

    I felt the color drain from my face
as my mouth gaped open and eyes bulged.  Feeling lightheaded and my legs
failing to support me, I crumbled back to my aching butt as I just stared at
the one who’s been helping me this whole time.


Chapter 9:   Ones Held Dear

      “W…what are you?” I managed to stammer

my eyes saw, my brain didn’t want to believe.  A monster, for a lack of a
better word, which easily towered over 10 meters tall, was seated cross-legged,
on a crudely carved platform of stone with an arm lazily supporting its head.
 With beaming red eyes that gazed down at me, while menacing, carried an
oddly tranquil quality.  Two massive horns protruded out the of sides of
its head, arched down and around it’s skull, curving up to a point near the
front, reminding me of something almost akin to a crown.  With a mouth
that had two fangs peeking out of its lips. Its body from the neck down was
adorned in a sleek black armor with no decorations or embellishments, yet still
emitting a presence of priceless treasure.

I was once a King, this being made me embarrassed of even having the nerve to
call myself one.  No. The one sitting on that giant platform was a being
that would make even the most unfaithful heretic bow down in submission.

here it was… with its head being supported by its arm, the other hand
nonchalantly scratching its nose.

I failed to notice until now though, because of how dark the cave was and him
being in all black, was that this being had a gaping hole in the side of it’s
chest, blood faintly oozing out.

    “ We
finally meet .” It repeated with a lazy half smile showing more of its sharp

try getting up but fail halfway and end up back on my butt, my face still slack
from the shock of what my eyes are seeing.

    “ Bugs
will fly into your mouth if you keep it open that wide. ”

At least it has a sense of humor.

    “ As
for what I am, I won’t say anything more than what you can see from looking. ”
The horned humanoid monster says with its eyes seeming to look straight through


… “ It is going to take to a while for me to open a dimensional rift that
will transport you to your house, so until then, just be patient and wait here.
 There are special roots that grow here.  You will be able to live
off those until I finish .”

right.  That’s what I’m here to do.  I manage to regain a bit of my
composure and I stand up, walking a little closer to the being.

a deep bow, I say, “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and what you
will do.  If there is any way I can repay you, I will do for you whatever
is in my power.”

such good manners for a child.  Don’t worry; I am neither expecting a
favor nor your gratitude.  I am simply doing this for my own amusement.
Come! Sit here closer to me and keep me company.  I haven’t talked to
anyone in a while.”

climbed up the platform rather awkwardly, forgetting to use mana to just jump
up, and I propped myself in front of the being.

excuse me for being rude, but you don’t exactly look like a lady.  How
should I exactly address you as?”  I said while looking straight up to
make eye contact with the being.

“ You’re right.  I don’t exactly look like a lady, now do I?  I
wonder why I said that.  Kukuku my name is Sylvia .”

giant demon lord-like monster looked like anything but a Sylvia to me.

Sylvia, do you mind if I ask a

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